High-crystalline GaSb epitaxial films

Orthogonal experiments of GaSb films growth on GaAs substrate have been designed and performed by using a low-pressure metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD) system. The crystallinities and microstructures of the produced films were comparatively analyzed to achieve the optimum growth parameters.

It was demonstrated that the optimized GaSb thin film has a narrow full width at half maximum (358 arc sec) of the (004) ω-rocking curve, and a smooth surface with a low root-mean-square roughness of about 6 nm, which is typical in the case of the heteroepitaxial single-crystal films. In addition, we studied the effects of layer thickness of GaSb thin film on the density of dislocations by Raman spectra. It is believed that our research can provide valuable information for the fabrication of high-crystalline GaSb films and can promote the integration probability of mid-infrared devices fabricated on mainstream performance electronic devices.

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