Benefits of Ginger Tea

The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Have a cup of hot ginger tea, please. It's a healthy drink for digestion and is known for its soothing and therapeutic effects. An old Indian proverb says, "All good things are found in ginger." This is why Ayurveda often refers to ginger as a universal drug. Traditional Chinese medicine, another oldest but still alive tradition, has also become medicinal ginger, because it restores yang, or heat energy. At present, India and China produce most of the world's ginger because they grow best in warm and humid areas.

Aromatic and pungent roots have long been used in traditional and Western treatment systems to make tea. Ginger tea has brought many powerful health benefits.

Tea made from ginger has high levels of vitamin C and amino acids, as well as various trace elements such as calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and many others.

  • Help the body absorb nutrients
  • Help alleviate the stomach pain
  • Help with irritable bowl syndrome
  • Help with weight loss
  • Help fight cancer
  • Help manage glucose levels
  • Improve circulation
  • Improve the food digestion
  • Increases the production of gastric juice
  • Protect against Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Open inflamed airways
  • Reduce arthritic inflammation
  • Relieve menstrual discomfort
  • Relieve stress
  • Stimulate appetite
We, Anhui Junda Food Co.,Ltd are specialized in various ginger tea,such as Organic instant ginger lemon tea,Red date ginger tea etc factory price ginger warm tea here! 



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