Why product development prototyping saves costs

Product prototyping helps businesses save on the costs associated with developing new products. Many large organisations have rapid prototyping centers that are dedicated to reducing the amount of time that it takes to bring a product from the design concept to reality.

Technological progress has led to breakthroughs in precision machining and rapid tooling, which now enables companies to produce better product test results.

According to Scott Welham of General Electric (GE), rapid prototyping and the business’ new rapid prototype centre in Kentucky have cut development and production times, as parts can be made much more quickly than before. Welham suggested that with rapid prototyping, GE has cut its product turn times by nearly 80%.

While not every business has the means to build their own prototype centers, there are things that any business can do to improve design and prototyping times.

  • 3D printing – Businesses should use 3D printings and materials during the design and research process. These are inexpensive and flexible to use.

  • Design reviews – Regular design reviews can help businesses avoid costly last minute changes and access experts early in the development stages.

  • Integrate manufacturing – Organisations should endeavor to integrate manufacturing into the design and prototyping stages as early as possible so that shorter processes can be identified earlier.



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