What kind of indoor temperature and hygrometer is more accurate?
There are three kinds of temperature and humidity meters commonly used:
1.the electronic temperature and humidity
meter determines the humidity according to the electrical conductivity of the
humidity sensitive resistor or humidity sensitive capacitor at different
2.mercury or alcohol thermometer, the
humidity is measured by a thermometer with double glass tubes, one of which has
a volatilizer at the bottom, which should be provided with water during normal
use to keep the evaporator moist. This kind of error is still very small, and
the price is very cheap.

3. the dial thermometer works on the
principle that two different metals have different degrees of expansion when
the temperature changes.

Generally speaking, the electronic one is
more accurate than that of the dial. The electronic household temperature and
humidity meters all use thermal resistors and humidity resistors. The
household-level temperature and humidity meters have an accuracy of ±1 ℃ and ±5% RH, while
the dial is basically a hair hygrometer with poor accuracy and humidity of ±7% RH. look at the appearance and
price when there is obviously no electronic visual selection of the readings,
look at the sales volume and evaluation on Amazon, and then buy one you like.
After buying it back, because it is
impossible to have professional calibration and identification equipment at
home, so compare it with a mercury thermometer. The more accurate measurement
of humidity is the dry bulb temperature and hygrometer, but there are few
places to sell it, and the price is more expensive. Usually the temperature is
very good to compare whether it is accurate, of course, the temperature and
hygrometer technology is already very mature, basically do not have to worry
about this kind of problem. if you're interested in digital thermometer hygrometer,follow us quickly,our website:www.lexinda.com.