LED Lighting Industry

Since 2016, LED lighting industry is in rapid development stage, the global LED market maintained rapid growth comes mainly from the trend of general indoor LED lighting, architectural lighting, landscape lighting, back light and outdoor LED large screen and other explosive growth.In 2018, with the continuous improvement of LED business climate, the profitability of the listed companies in the LED industry enjoys a comprehensive recovery, and the industry has reached a turning point.

In the next 3 to 5 years, as the technology mature and reduced the cost, LED in the field of general lighting market penetration will increase further, and automotive lighting LED display applications continue to expand, small spacing is expected to usher in the LED industry a new outbreaks.

The personage inside course of study thinks, with the rapid development of industry will drive the LED from the production to the manufacture of rising demand to encapsulate the whole industry chain actively LED the whole industry chain enterprises such as layout, bdo embellish da hong god remit, wood Tomlinson, mega chi energy saving will win more market, such as dividends.

LED lighting suppliers core financial data improvement is obvious, the industry trend is solid and reliable, LED globe bulbs, LED filament bulbs, LED energy saving lamps become more and more popular in the markets.

From the LED lighting industry companies in 2017 annual reports and quarterly reports. 1, 2018, the core of financial indicators of listed companies are all showed a trend of significant improvement, the core index including ROE, scale and growth, belong to the female net profit and revenue growth and gross margin, net profit and operating cash flow, etc.The improvement of the core financial data of LED industry is obvious, proving that the trend of LED industry is solid and reliable.

Among them, the net profit of 3 listed companies, including aotuo electronics, dehulunda and guangdong ganghua, increased by more than 100%.The net profit growth of mullinson and honglizhihui ranges from 0% to 100%.

In the first quarter of 2018, Rio tinto realized a total revenue of 410 million yuan, an increase of 172.76 percent over the previous year, mainly due to an increase of 192.02 percent in the revenue of LED applications.

In the first quarter of 2018, the total operating revenue of dehaorun reached 870 million yuan, an increase of 2.80% over the previous year.The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was RMB 3,047 million, up 103.47% year on year, mainly due to the increase of operating profit during the reporting period.The first half is now expected to be profitable.



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