IPL Machine for Skin Rejuvenation and Hair Removal

I took advantage of a private sale to equip me with a small device 2 in 1. It combines two technologies used in beauty institutes: IPL (pulsed light) and Skin rejuvenation. These allow him to adapt to different skin colors (light to dark skin type 1 to 5) and to different parts of the body, offering treatment almost painless.

A pulsed light epilator: It treats directly under the top of skin to lessen hair regrowth. It provides lasting laser hair removal with without any discomfort (legs, armpits, jersey, torso, stomach, back, arms and face).

An anti-aging ipl skin rejuvenation machine: It will help combat aging skin by smoothing wrinkles and lines from the face (brow, eyes, neck and upper lip).

Your camera transmits a flash of sunshine that's absorbed through the hair. In your area the sunshine becomes heat which will burn the main from the hair. This phenomenon will affect the regrowth. After several sessions of treatment the hairs don't grow again.

The pulsed light also offers a "photo-rejuvenation" effect, it will help to fade the results of aging for example liver spots, sunspots, rosacea ...

Fraxel treatments is appropriate for the treatment of dark skin (type 4 and 5). It really works exactly the same way as pulsed sensational looking at lower intensity, so it may need a far more regular treatment to attain results much like pulsed light.

The company Odi provides a very number of ipl skin rejuvenation machines of high quality, regrettably it is not easy to locate their goods in France (except the famous selection of massage seats). The website www.odilaser.com regularly offers salons sales that provide these products from the range beauty at an excellent cost.



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