How to Make a Homemade WiFi Wlan Antenna

Before you start making your homemade WiFi Wlan Antenna, you need to prepare the required materials. The items you will need are a poultry netting or commonly known as chicken wire, a length of hollow pipe, a long thin piece of wood, wires, an USB cord, a thumb-sized USB Wi-Fi transceiver and an electric drill.

After preparing all the listed materials, you will need to ensure that your computer or laptop is not connected to any wireless connection. This will be helpful to set up a connection with the network later on. However if your computer has not been connected to any wireless connection before, you may skip this step.

The next procedure is to secure the pipe onto the center of the chicken wire. The pipe's length should be tall enough to avoid obstructions from any trees, buildings or other structures. The length of the chicken wire should be about a meter long in order for your homemade Wi-Fi antenna to work effectively. You may choose to use a longer pipe to extend the signal detection.

By using a tie wire, the long piece of pipe is attached to the chicken wire. To perform this, the tie wire is slid under the pipe and being pulled up tight against the pipe. Several tie wires are placed diagonally around the pipe to make sure it is tightly fixed onto the chicken wire. The other length of tie wire is connected onto the long piece of wood attached crossways to the chicken wire. Having the tie wire will help support the chicken wire from slipping or bending in case there were strong winds.

Next two holes are drilled in the upper part of the long pipe and a few pieces of tie wires are being pierced through the holes. Once you are done, you will need to place the antenna in an open location to avoid any interference. Then pull through a USB cord inside the pipe and secure it to the pipe with tie wires. After that, the USB Wi-Fi transceiver should be attached to the USB connector. The USB transceiver is tied with tie wires to keep it firm.

When the transceiver is connected to the antenna, link the other end of the USB cord to your laptop or computer. The wireless connection will be automatically detected and it will display an icon of notification. Then your homemade Wi-Fi antenna is ready to be used.

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