YSENMED Veterinary Equipment to Australia Veterinary Clinic

We Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. as one-shop stop veterinary equipment supplier, exported many vet equipment.

We exported vet cage, pet bathing tub, Veterinary surgery table, Veterinary instrument table, Veterinary scales, Veterinary ENT set, Lead apron, Lead collar, Lead gloves, autoclave sterilizer, vet anesthesia machine etc. to Australia veterinary Hospital on Sept.

Here are the equipments our client ordered as below:

Stainless Steel Pet Cages,Veterinary Instrument Table,Animal Electric Operating Table,Portable Vet Anesthesia Machine.

Other related products: Veterinary Electric Pet Operating Table,Portable Animal Anesthesia Machine etc at Guangzhou Yueshen Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.



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