Clinic Proven Technology for Tattoo Removal

Your permanent makeup is simply too dark, not adapted, not symmetrical, it's altered color, ... It doesn't make you happy any longer. You need to unwind. There are many laser tattoo removal techniques like picosecond laser machine. This method can erase or lighten your permanent makeup without laser or cream.?A corrective pigment is implanted around the place to be torn or lightened to be able to neutralize the colour from the old tattoo.That old pigmentation clears until almost total disappearance whenever sessions. This process "Safe" avoids the chance of scarring, hair thinning, large crusts ...

The outcomes are visible in the first session. During healing, that old pigment reappears, because of this, it's important to do several sessions (two to four or even more for nearly total erasure). The end result depends upon the retention capacity of the epidermis, the concentration of the tattoo color and also the stitching depth.

This depends on the desired result. You may want a clarification or erasure. Picosecond laser machine for tattoo removal will take fewer sessions for enlightenment than for erasure. The entire area to be treated is performed at each session, so you can stop the sessions whenever you want. The number of sessions is not predictable no package will be proposed. It is quite possible to retatch then. It is nevertheless necessary to leave 2 to 3 months after the end of the sessions of clarification before repigmenting.

In order to direct you towards the good technique, a photo of the area to be torn up will be asked you for the making of appointments. This technique called "lactic acid", can erase your old pigmentation without laser. Stitching on the area to be removed with lactic acid allows your body to expel the pigment to the surface. The pigment, which rises to the surface of the skin, forms a crust which dries up and which will fall alone, leaving underneath a skin that will heal in a few weeks.

An RDV test to check your healing and possible allergies will be offered. During this appointment, all the explanations will be brought to you and a "dot" test will be realized. The results of Picosecond laser machine for tattoo removal are visible from the first session. But except the area can not be treated in full during a session. For example for eyebrows, an untreated area is left between each treated area. This depends on the area to be removed. For small areas type mole, small eyebrow, only 1 session may be enough. For full eyebrows 2 minimum sessions are required and sometimes more. Other related products like Nd YAG Laser Tattoo Removal Equipment or other laser tattoo removal equipment, laser beauty machine here!



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