Indications for Ozone Autohemotherapy

1、 Chronic ischemic disease

Arterial circulation disorders: various organic disease caused by atherosclerosis.
Ischemic encephalopathy caused by cerebral atherosclerosis: TIA, cerebral infarction, brain embolism.
Ischemic heart disease caused by atherosclerotic heart: coronary heart disease, angina, myocardial infarction, myocardial ischemia.
Ischemic peripheral vascular disease caused by peripheral atherosclerotic lesions: lower limb arteriosclerosis locked-in syndrome and intermittent claudication.
Ischemic renal disease caused by atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis: secondary hypertension, renal hypofunction.
Secondary diseases of intestinal function decline caused by mesenteric arteries

2、Acute and chronic infectious disease
Antibiotics and chemotherapy drug resistant bacteria, virus and fungus, parasitic infection, such as giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis are treated by Cuban doctors with ozonized oil.

3、 Ozone therapy can be applied in emergency circumstances, such as multiple organ failure and death caused by large area of trauma, burn, acute peritonitis, toxemias. Combining the ozone autohemotherapy for 3-4 times a day with traditional therapy could avoid or reduce the deterioration of metabolism and decrease the death rate. What’s more, patients who are waiting for organs transplant can take 6 to 8 times micro or macro ozone authohemotherapy in 6 to 15 days before operation, so as to increase immunity to the infection and improve immunosuppression (caused by anesthesia or surgery). Ischemia and reperfusion injury after the organ transplantation can be reduced. Ozone therapy can also be used in other general surgery for preoperative treatment.

4、The diseases, such as osteomyelitis, empyema, peritonitis, fester, pressure ulcer, chronic ulcer, diabetic foot, burn, infectious wound, candidiasis, onychomycosis, are often accompanied with antibiotics drug resistance bacteria, such as resistance to dimethoxy benzene penicillium staphylococcus aureus. The antibiotics cannot run through the infected areas, which is connected to the death case happened in many developed countries. In cases like this, ozonized autohemotherapy and partly usage of ozonized olive oil or sunflower seed oil can receive rapid antibacterial effect and promote wound healing. As a very unstable gas, ozone can be chemically combined into a stable ozonide by unsaturated fat vegetable oil. When applied onto the wound surface, ozonized oil reacts with biomolecules and produces and releases stable hydrogen peroxide. The disinfection and improved oxidation effect can accelerate scar formation. Traditional unguent contains useless antibiotics and growth factors. Once the ozonized oil is known and used, it will bring great treatment effects for millions of patients.

5、Herpes virus infection (HHV I and II), herpes zoster, infection of papovavirus
As an auto vaccine, combined with partly use of ozonized oil, macro ozone autohemotherapy with muscle injection is very effective in prevention of herpes recurrence. If it is used together with acyclovir, most of the herpes infected patients can be healed. Besides, it can also help reduce varicella-zoster virus infection and effective in lightening neuralgia.

6、Chronic hepatitis and AIDS infection

7、Autoimmune disease (gout, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease) Autohemotherapy is very inspiring.

8、Degenerative disease
Autohemotherapy could help improve early stage Alzheimer disease.

9、Pulmonary disease (pulmonary emphysema, asthma, COPD, acute respiratory distress syndrome)
10、The treatment principle of CODP:
A.Through the treatment, lipid peroxide acts on the surface of endotheliocyte and increase the releasing of prostacyclin and NO, thus the releasing of endothelin-1 is restrained. The producing of NO and S-nitrosothiols will promote vasodilatation while the releasing of anionic superoxide will lead to vasoconstriction and have a negative impact on platelets and endothelial cells.
B.Ischemic tissues’ oxygen transportation and antioxidant enzyme ability will be strengthened; haem oxygenase I neutralize chronic oxidative stress.
C.Stimulation on immune system helps control chronic pulmonary infection. Ozone treatment for CODP will achieve good results, including improve respiration coefficient and minute walking test.

11、Renal disease in late stage cannot be controlled by traditional medicine because of chronic oxidative stress. The ozone therapy stabilizes the dysfunction and improves patient’s life quality.

12.Ozone autohemotherapy, combined with ozonized oil partly applied, is proved to be effective in metabolic syndrome treatment, such as refractory chronic ulcer of type 2 diabetes patient.

13、Dermatopathya (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis)
14、 Metastatic cancer resisting to chemotherapeutic drugs and cancer fatigue.
Although the cancerous development cannot be stopped, the ozone therapy will improve patient’s life quality. On the other side, ozone therapy is very effective in postoperative treatment. This therapy can not only strengthen cytotoxic drugs’ effect by inducing the antioxidant response, but also decrease chemotherapeutic drugs’ toxicity.

15、Chronic fatigue syndrome and firbre muscle pain
It is found that the macro ozone autohemotherapy is effective among most of patients



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